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The Ultimate Pet Tag


Hey guys! I wanted to do something fun on An Inky Dream ’cause I’m trying to make this blog a mixture of info and fun. I decided I’d try to make an award. *nods* Since this blog is dedicated to sugar gliders, why not make a pet tag? If you want to read my answers to the questions, they’re at the bottom. 🙂

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who tagged you

  2. Link back to the creator of the tag (

  3. Include the tag logo

  4. Answer the questions given to you

  5. Ask eleven pet-related questions

  6. Tag 4-8 people

The Questions

  1. Why did you choose your pet’s name?

  2. When did you get your pet?

  3. What is one memorable story about your pet?

  4. Is your pet a picky eater?

  5. What is your pet’s favorite treat?

  6. What is your favorite thing to do with your pet?

  7. What is the hardest thing about owning your pet?

  8. Have you taught your pet to do tricks?

  9. What is one thing you wish didn’t come with owning your pet?

  10. What is your favorite thing about your pet’s personality?

  11. If you could get any pet at all, no matter price or law restrictions, what would you choose?

I Tag

And anyone else reading this who has pets! 😉

My Answers

  1. Why did you choose your pet’s name? I chose Ink’s because it’s short for Inquisitive. I also loved the irony of it – he’s completely white. XD I love the name Dreamer and at the time, my main character in my novel was named Dream. XD

  2. When did you get your pet? May 2020.

  3. What is one memorable story about your pet? There are so many. One not-so-fun one that pops into my mind is this: I was standing beside the sugar glider cage and they were out and crawling all over me and everything else. XD So I was standing there and Dreamer jumped off of the top of the cage and landed right on my face. AH! SHARP NAILS IN MY FACE! XD

  4. Is your pet a picky eater? Yes and no. They’ll eat anything sweet, but they don’t love the vegetables as much as I’d like. 😂

  5. What is your pet’s favorite treat? Yogurt drops and mulberries.

  6. What is your favorite thing to do with your pet? I love to play with them at night. They climb all over me and are sooo sweet.

  7. What is the hardest thing about owning your pet? The lack of information about common illnesses.

  8. Have you taught your pet to do tricks? Not yet, but I’m super excited to start!!

  9. What is one thing you wish didn’t come with owning your pet? *ahem* the bathroom aspect…it’s so gross. Sugar gliders are also very messy and destructive.

  10. What is your favorite thing about your pet’s personality? I love how sweet and gentle they are. I love how they trust me. ❤

  11. If you could get any pet at all, no matter price or law restrictions, what would you choose? A pair of miniature donkeys probably. They’re so adorable and sweet!

Well guys, that’s all! Hope you enjoy this tag! 🙂




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