[Edit: I made the mistake here of pureeing my fruits and vegetables too much. This forces the gliders to eat fibers that they are not meant to digest. This can cause internal blockages and other health issues.]
Hey guys! Today I’m here to share what diet I use for my sugar gliders. There are so many different diets out there and many more opinions on which one is best! It may be slightly confusing, too. I’m thankful to my parents for helping me figure out the diet stuff before we got them, because I was TOTALLY lost and confused!
I use the TPG diet. I feel like it’s a good mixture of fruits, vegetables and protein. It comes with a supplement that goes on top. This is really important because the gliders can get HLP (more on that later!) and other problems if they don’t have the right nutrients.
With that said, on to the pictures of me making it! 😉 (Also, sorry about the picture quality. Our house doesn’t have great lighting. XD)
I decided to do three half batches so that they could have a variety of different flavors. This should last me for about a month and a half.
I get eight ounces of fruit. For this batch I’m using fresh mango, strawberries and cherries.

Then I blend them up.
[Edit: CUT, do not BLEND]

Next I get eight ounces of fresh vegetables. Peas, carrots and squash. It looks really good! 😛

Blend them up and add them to the fruit.

For the protein, you can use (COOKED) chicken, turkey or eggs. I’m using eggs. I go ahead and scramble all the eggs that I’ll need for all three batches.

While the eggs are cooking, I add the other ingredients to the fruit/vegetables. Four ounces of plain yogurt. Sugar gliders cannot have milk or cream because they cannot process the lactose but yogurt is fine.

Sixteen ounces of unflavored apple sauce. Don’t get sweetened because sugar is TERRIBLE for them. Add three tablespoons of calcium fortified orange juice concentrate.

I blend the eggs into smaller bits and then add to the mixture.

The final product! 😉 It actually looks kinda good. XD

To keep it fresh, scoop it into two tablespoon containers and freeze it. These ice cube trays are PERFECT! They take a while to freeze (especially since I only have two trays!) but it is super easy.

My second batch!

The third and final! I love the red color from the beets! 🙂

Hope you guys enjoyed seeing how my glider’s food is made! 😉 (Do you think you’d ever taste it?? Baruch thought I was making dessert and BEGGED me to let him try it!)