Glider slaves are often passionate about what is and isn’t safe when it comes to toys, and you’ll get many different answers depending on who you ask. However, the basics are simple enough to keep in mind. Safe toys are generally made from plastic and/or anti-pill fleece. Avoid metal toys in general as they often have small parts that gliders can get their hands stuck in, and they can also rust and cause UTIs. A small bell or other such enrichment is fine.
Wood toys are excellent as long as they are not made from pine as they release toxic oils when wet. They will need to be cleaned more often than plastic toys as they soak up the urine and cause unpleasant smells to linger.
You can find pre-made glider toys online from approved vendors on Etsy. You can make your own from items that you have around the house. The Dollar Store is one of my favorite places to shop for toy supplies. (I get strange looks when I dash to the toy aisle and dance a jig when I see mini trashcans).
Cheap Toy Ideas
Milk jug caps/safety rings: These are some of my glider’s favorite toys. Just be sure to cut a slit in the safety rings so that the gliders don’t get stuck. You can turn the lids into foraging cups by drilling a hole in them and attaching a c-link. Simple, cheap enrichment for your gliders.
Toothbrush covers: These make excellent foraging toys. Put a treat inside of the toothbrush covers, stuff them full of fleece or pieces of straws and then hide them around the cage. Your gliders will have a blast hunting them down.
Straws: Ah, my personal favorite. Straws have so many uses! You can put honey or yogurt inside, freeze them and then give them to the gliders as a fun, challenging treat. You can run the straws through a pencil sharpener so that they get all “whirly” and then add them to toys or hang them around the cage or fill a toy basket with them.
Old Baby Toys: If you have old baby toys lying around the house, put them to a new use! Gliders love things that make noise, so old rattles are ideal. They also love teething rings, balls, bath toys, etc. Just be sure that none of the toys have any gel or liquid inside. Gliders will chew through the soft plastic and swallow whatever is inside.
Nerf Gun Bullets & Chinese Finger Traps: Many gliders enjoy ripping nerf gun bullets and paper Chinese finger traps to shreds. Sometimes they’ll carry the pieces into their pouch to nest with.
Foraging Toys
In the wild, gliders spend much of their time foraging for food. Foraging toys add enrichment to your gliders’ lives and help keep them busy and entertained.
Almost anything can be turned into a foraging toy. Simply place a dot of honey, a yogurt drop or other enticing food on/in it and your gliders will have a blast.
Gliders’ love climbing and hanging off of things. Ropes are a great addition to your cage. You can make your own by braiding long pieces of fleece. You can also get large plastic chains from hardware stores. The ropes/chains should be taut and firmly attached by both ends. Gliders’ don’t like to be unsteady and will avoid climbing on things that aren’t firm.
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